Generate Monthly Work Requests

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Generate PMs - Generate the monthly PM (Preventive Maintenance) work requests that need done based on Asset maintenance text

Add Monthly Work Request

1 Click Work Requests icon.
2 Click Generate PMs icon to open the request window.
3 The PM Generation page opens.
Generate PMs 1.png

Select a Campus from the dropdown list (3).

4 Select a Service Type from the dropdown. Note: Work requests are usually FM (Facilities Management).
5 Select a Month for the "Generate Requests for the month of" field. Note: if Warning in red appears the month selected has already has had the Work Requests generated (already printed)

Note: Month defaults to today's month.

6 Daily procedures can generate a lot of Work Requests. Choose the correct checkbox or choose no checkbox to get the following results:

To get No Work Requests for any daily procedures, select the checkbox: Ignore procedures with frequencies of less than one month?.

To get One Work Request with all the daily procedures on it, select no checkbox.

To get Multiple Work Requests, one for every daily procedure, select the checkbox: Generate multiple work requests for procedures with a frequency of less then one month.
Ignore Procedures Checkbox1.png
7 Click Generate PMs icon again to start the Monthly Work Request.
8 The Facility Fit homepage will appear.

To confirm the Monthly Work Request is in process, click on the Generate PMs icon again.

9 The PM Generation page re-opens. Choose the same options as before, the warning in red should appear if the request is being processed.
Generate PMs 2 Warning.png