Technical Issues regarding FacilityFit

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Most users will never need to know most of the following information. In the case that you do have technical questions on how ISIS functions, or are approached by your Facility's staff regarding any of the technical issues such as Privacy, HIPAA, encryption, or similar questions, this page should answer your questions.

If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact the Aramark help desk at 1-800-866-4274.


  • Q:Is ISIS HIPPA compliant?\\

A:Yes. ISIS is fully HIPPA compliant. All data is encrypted both in motion and at rest. Data communication is done through a 2048 bit SSL layer over port 443. Data at rest is encrypted both while in transaction and when archived. As few Patient Identifiers are stored as possible. Patient data is displayed, but never stored, on mobile devices.

Network Issues

  • Q:Will ISIS take significant bandwidth from my facility?\\

A:No. The exact bandwidth needed is hard to determine without knowing the exact number of workstations and services that are in use at your facility. However, ISIS has been designed to reduce the bandwidth necessary in a number of areas. Any high volume screens use push technology where possible to limit the amount of data flowing between servers and clients.


  • Q:What browsers does ISIS Support?\\

A:Chrome and IE 9+. iPad (iOS 7+) and Android (4.0+) are also supported