Employee Functional Area

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Revision as of 12:43, 16 March 2016 by Avasands (Talk | contribs) (Employees Landing Page)

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This functional area contains all of the information and actions necessary to manage employees for your facility. From this area, you may create new employees, Change status of existing employees,and manage employee training, and you will also find the appropriate actions for creating meetings.


Employees Landing Page

A. Training Participation Rates - The graph will display the following information based on data in the Meetings module:

  • Number of attendees per training class completed.
  • The default filter will be the current calendar quarter.
  • Coaching for Performance - A gauge indicating percentage of “Coaching for Performance” sessions completed in the current month.
  • New Employee Rounding - % of of scheduled New Employee Rounding due for the current month
  • Thank You Notes - % of Thank you notes sent for the current year.

B. List Display
C. Filtering
D. Actions
E. Quick Actions

Step-by-Step Help


Help Page Icon Description
Adding Employees and setting up security Add.png From the top right of the screen click the Add icon.

Quick Actions

Help Page Icon Description

List Display

Related Areas


Finding work requests can be done in a handful of ways. First, there are 6 quick searches provided as shown. These include: