Creating a Housekeeping Schedule

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Creating schedules


A housekeeping schedule (or "schedule") contains all of the necessary information to clean a space within a campus. The schedule will include information on which spaces to clean, which tasks should be done, and how long each task is expected to take. In addition, you may reserve time for non cleaning tasks that will also be counted as productive employee time so that all time is tracked and understood for each employee.

Creating a new Schedule

Set up the general information

  • From the main menu, navigate to Spaces


  • On the top right of the screen, click Navigate to Scheduler


  • On the top right of the screen, click Add


  • You will be presented with the following screen:


  • Choose a Campus if required - If you only have access to one Campus, this will not be required
  • Enter all fields in the General Information section
    • Fields with a red outline are required to be entered before you may save the record
    • Fields without a red outline are not required but may be helpful
    • Description
      • The title of the schedule. Must be unique for this campus.
    • Job Title
      • The job title of the person who will normally perform this schedule. Informational only. Does not prevent anyone from performing this schedule.
    • Shift
      • The time of day that this schedule is normally done. Informational only. Does not prevent the schedule from being done at other times
    • Precautions
      • Important safety information to be used when performing this schedule
    • Header
      • Information which will appear at the top of this schedule when printed
    • Footer
      • Information which will appear at the bottom of this schedule when printed
  • Click Save


Adding tasks to the schedule

You will then be taken to this screen: File:ScheduleTasks.png

Setting up initial tasks

Finding tasks

  • To find the tasks you are looking for, use the list on the left side of the screen
  • Each task is displayed as:


    • The top bar shows the space that this task is for
    • The name of the task is displayed
    • The Days value is the number of days that the task should be done to be fully complete
    • The D: value is the number of minutes per day that the task will take
    • The W: value is the number of minutes per week that the task will take
  • By hovering your mouse over the left side of the screen, a filter will appear:

|File:Taskfilter.png|The filter has 2 options:\\*You may use the tree tab to filter to a certain set of spaces\\*You may use the Filter option to filter based on the criteria seen on the screen\\\\Once the filter is set, click Apply and the list of tasks will be updated|

Adding tasks

Tasks may be added in one of two ways. You may add tasks that are directly related to cleaning a specific space, or you may add Non Space Tasks which are productive time, but do not apply to a specific space. Examples of Non Space Tasks include Discharges and Trash runs.

  • To add a task for cleaning a space:
    • To add a task, find the task on the left side of the screen and drag it onto the schedule on the right
    • Once the task is on the schedule, you may use the check boxes to define on which days the task should be done
    • The time on the right will change based on the scheduled number of days
  • To add a Non Space Task
    • Click on Add Non-Space Task


    • You will see the following dialog:


    • From this screen, you may select a task from the list. If you do not see the task you want, please make sure that it has been set up from the Administration screen. For more details, please see Creating non space tasks
    • You may also add a weekly quantity to each task. This will indicate the number of hours that you expect the task to take each week
    • You may also indicate the days on which this task will normally be done. Please note: Changing the days does not change the amount of time for the task. The time required is indicated manually in the Weekly Quantity.

Removing tasks

  • To remove a task, simply click the delete button in the right most column
