Administration Functional Area

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The Administration functional area is where a manager can customize parts of FacilityFit to meet the needs of their specific facility.

Import Templates

You may import files from Excel directly into your facility's database. For each type of data, you will need a specific Excel file to put the data into. Please download the appropriate file to your computer and then enter the data in Excel. When finished, you may come back to Administration to upload the data for your facility.

Blank Templates:

IMPORTANT - This import cannot be undone. Make sure that the data is accurate before doing the import. The data may be corrected later by an additional import or by changing the data for each record, but these options will take significant time.

Types of Screens in Administration

There are 4 main types of screens in Administration:

  1. StarYellow.jpg Data screens - Where you add, delete or edit data in the main function window.
  2. StarBlue.jpg Import screens - Where you select files, download or upload information from outside.
  3. StarGreen.jpg Control screens - (Simple or Complex)
    • Simple Control screens - Where you are sent to another screen to select a few available options
    • Complex Control screens - A type of Control screen where many more details and selections are available.

Administration Help


Facilities StarGreen.jpg (Welcome Message) a type of "Control Screen".
Device StarYellow.jpg a data screen
Cost Center StarYellow.jpg a data screen
Shifts StarYellow.jpg a data screen
Cancel Reasons StarYellow.jpg a data screen Note: Corporate Items Cannot be edited
Delays StarYellow.jpg a data screen
Service Types StarYellow.jpg a data screen
Cost Center Import StarBlue.jpg see "Import Screens" above


Asset Classification StarGreen.jpg a type of "Control Screen".
LinkGroups StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above
Repairs StarYellow.jpg a type of "Data Screen" 
Safety StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above
Asset Import StarBlue.jpg see "Import Screens" above
Asset Settings StarGreen.jpg see "Control Screens" above
Warehouses StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above
Supply Import StarBlue.jpg see "Import Screens" above

Bed Cleaning

Cleaning Type StarYellow.jpg
Cleaning Areas StarGreen.jpg a type of "Control Screen".
Bed Stat Layouts StarGreen.jpg a type of "Control Screen".
Bed Status StarYellow.jpgsee "Data Screens" above
Bed Cleaning Settings StarGreen.jpg a type of "Control Screen". (Welcome Message)


Templates StarGreen.jpg a type of "Control Screen".
Inspection Type StarYellow.jpgsee "Data Screens" above
Score Types StarYellow.jpgsee "Data Screens" above
Attributes StarYellow.jpgsee "Data Screens" above
Inspection Template Import StarBlue.jpg see "Import Screens" above


Training Classes StarGreen.jpg a type of "Control Screen".
Teams StarYellow.jpgsee "Data Screens" above
Skills StarYellow.jpg Note: Corporate Items Cannot be edited
Job Titles StarGreen.jpg a type of "Control Screen".
Wage Premiums StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" aboveNote: Corporate Items Cannot be edited
Employee Import StarBlue.jpg see "Import Screens" above


Space Content StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" aboveNote: Corporate Items Cannot be edited
Space Type StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" aboveNote: Corporate Items Cannot be edited
Equipment StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" aboveNote: Corporate Items Cannot be edited
Tasks StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above
Non Space Tasks StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above
Space Group StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above Note: Corporate Items Cannot be edited
HL7 Location StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above
Cleaning Procedures StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above
Cleaning Precautions StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above
Space Import StarBlue.jpg see "Import Screens" above


Transport Types StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above Note: Corporate Items Cannot be edited
Equipment StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above
Dispatch Time Code StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above 


Problem Group StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" aboveNote: Corporate Items Cannot be edited
Problems StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" aboveNote: Corporate Items Cannot be edited
Shops StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above
Sub Type StarYellow.jpg see "Data Screens" above
Work Request Settings StarGreen.jpg a type of "Control Screen".